Caregivers Experience and Satisfaction with Routine Immunization Services in Kaduna State, North-West Nigeria.


SG Ishaku,1* G Umeh,1 B Adzu,2 A Onimisi,3 F Braka,3 M Dauda,1 HA Iyal,1 N Iliyasu,4 SM Yates,5 AF Shamang,6 LH Samaila,1 A Tsofo,7 JO Onah,6 KS Nuhu,8 SK Parom.9


1World Health Organization (WHO), Kaduna State and 3Abuja Office, Nigeria

2Department of Pharmacology and toxicology, National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Abuja-Nigeria

4Kaduna State Primary Health Care Board, Kaduna -Nigeria

5Barau Dikko Teaching Hospital, Kaduna State University, Kaduna-Nigeria

6McKing Consulting Corporation, Kaduna-Nigeria

7United Nation Children's Fund (UNICEF), Kaduna Field Office, Nigeria

8Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Kaduna State University

9Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kaduna State University, Kaduna-Nigeria


*Correspondence: S.G. Ishaku, Ph.D. World Health Organization (WHO), Kaduna State Office, Nigeria.


Tel: +2348033489096



Background: Many reasons have been given for low immunization coverage in Kaduna State and among these are ignorance, service delivery issues, mistrust, fears and family issues. The main objective of this study is to Identify some other factors that predict caregiver's utilization of routine immunization services.

Methodology: This was a retrospective observational study that analyzed previously collected exit interview data conducted during routine supervision of immunization sessions using a standard structured questionnaire on mobile phones via the 'open data kit' software.

Results: The study revealed that 97.5% of caregivers were aware of the importance of routine immunization, while good knowledge of vaccine administered constitutes 92.3%, awareness of days for follow up visit was 97.4% and satisfaction of routine immunization services was 99.2%. However, among the caregivers 22% had reported experience of an adverse events following immunization. Awareness of caregivers of the importance of routine immunization was found to be associated with caregiver's awareness of vaccine administered (odds ratio: 0.079; 95% CI: 0.063-0.098; p<0.0001), awareness of next date for follow up (odds ratio: 0.168; 95%CI: 0.12-0.235; p<0.0001) and whether caregivers are satisfied with routine immunization services (odds ratio: 0.117; 95%CI: 0.071-0.92; p<0.0001). Also, Traditional leaders, field volunteers, religious leaders, mothers, fathers, grandparents and both- parents are significantly associated with awareness of caregivers of the importance of routine immunization.

Conclusion: These results suggest very high awareness of routine immunization, high level of satisfaction among caregivers for routine immunization services and with reports of adverse event after immunization very common.


Keywords: Caregivers, Immunization, Coverage, Kaduna


How to cite this article:

SG Ishaku, G Umeh, B Adzu, A Onimisi, F Braka, M Dauda et al. Caregivers Experience and Satisfaction with Routine Immunization Services in Kaduna State, North-West Nigeria, 2017-2019. J Med Bas Sci Res 2020;1(1):127-137.


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